Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Blog Post #7

Artificial Intelligence

After watching the documentary called In the Age of AI, I had a bit of an unsettled stomach. I had a little previous knowledge about the issue of privacy on social media and the use of cell phones but I did not know how much of an issue it really is today. 

Companies like Facebook and Google who take logins and have software that tracks what you search and look at. They take that information to create a profile about you for their use. Now what has been happening is that they know more about your interests and have started to sell advertisements to companies that know they are part of your interest. Basically selling the profile they created about you to other companies for their own use. 

On many levels, this crosses the line. Recording and storing personal information that is unknown by the user of the app or search engine is a huge privacy and moral issue. The scary part is this seems to be only the beginning of artificial intelligence

In China, they are experimenting with AI systems in place in society like setting up and having instant access to cameras that can identify individuals by their faces and give security access to that person’s history. 

One can understand that national security is a concern for every nation but, the protection of an individual's integrity and privacy should also be a priority for each nation. In the United States, the topic of privacy has been talked about recently with the topics of equal rights and gender identity. Even though I have my own beliefs, the idea that America is a melting pot means that everyone has the right to choose how they identify and that everyone deserves to have an equal say which includes the right to their own privacy and innocence. 

The data collected on users by these companies violates the right to privacy all Americans have. 

I know personally, I do not like the idea that someone has a file that has all my search history and personality traits shoved in a drawer or online file with easy access to that I do not have the knowledge of. 

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