Sunday, December 10, 2023

Final Blog Post

Our Relationship with Technology

I have always thought that I lived a relatively healthier life than most people. Growing up on a ranch in the mountains of Colorado, technology was not as big part of my life as the average American today. It was more important that I woke up and did my part around the house and barn than it was to sit around and watch TV or spend time on social media. 

That being said, I only convince myself of this but is it really true?

Now technology is not bad and neither are phones. I use my phone for communication, small forms of research, and different sources to keep me up to date on my interests. As Professor Smith has said many times, we have a fully functioning computer in our hands and pockets. I think I use technology healthily for my studies and communication with others.

Now, I do think there are certain aspects of my everyday life that are unhealthily spent with technology. I think I spend too much time watching shows or movies at late hours. I think that I have an addictive personality towards just sitting and watching or spending too much time watching at late hours. 

As for the human race and specifically Americans, there are many things that are positive about technology today but with that, there are many reasons for concern. It seems that with every technological advancement, there is an unexpected consequence that follows.

Social media for example was created with good intentions to be connected in new ways and communicate with friends and people from all parts of the globe. But what has it caused?

The social media craze has woven itself into the culture of the lives of our younger generations. This has caused unhealthy consequences like mental health issues, cancel culture, and a want to compare themselves to others who have something that they themselves do not have. I would argue that social media has caused a culture that is too comparative. America used to celebrate differences, not criticize them. And where has it left us?

Kids are now more susceptible to mental problems and put too much value on how they are perceived by others. Never has the profession of mental therapy been so needed. 

Social media is talked about as a tool sometimes to be used to build your own personal brand. Social media like LinkedIn are great examples that I think need more attention as a template to create a healthy social media culture and use. But people misuse and abuse their usage of these different apps. Instagram and Facebook are guilty of the competitive culture.

Wait, hold on, we haven’t even talked about the vulnerable aspect of these apps.

You can get hacked or be a source for cyber predators to attack. Too many times people are victims of revenge or greed. People can make face accounts to get back at people, posting harmful pictures or saying harmful things on social media or hacking into your account to do these things. Their motive does not matter because it still happens. 

Now, human’s relationship with technology is only being explored right now. The use of AI and the more that technology continues to advance, we still do not know the full extent we will have for the consequences it is bringing. 

For one, the use of AI like ChatGPT in schools are helping students learn how to cheat and get by instead of learning for real what the world has to offer. Is this a sign that humanity is headed for disaster?

On the other side of AI, the term privacy seems like a funny joke but not a laughable one. Companies like Facebook and Google have been tracking and storing user information and started to build profiles on their users. Now they have begun to sell them to other companies so that they can target more specifically the people who are more interested in them and their product and who are more likely to click on their ads. People are so worried that AI and robots are going to rule the world one day but they should have been worried about how other people are controlling different aspects of their lives through AI.

So, How is society’s relationship with technology going?

I’d say technology is the controlling boyfriend to society as the girlfriend. The times are sweet when they work together, but when they do not, he needs to make sure everything is in line for his functions to work, not hers. She has put too much trust and hope into him.

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Final Blog Post

Our Relationship with Technology I have always thought that I lived a relatively healthier life than most people. Growing up on a ranch in t...