Sunday, October 29, 2023

Blog Post #1

For most of my sources that I get my updates and news from, they stem from one main source that gives me access to many other sources. The News app that I have on my phone allows for free subscriptions and notifications on my apple iPhone. This gives me the quickest and easiest access to news updates and current events.

One of my passions that I have had since I was very little would be sports. So it comes as no surprise that ESPN is one of my main sources. Both by article on the website to the TV network, ESPN gives me almost everything I need for my sports news and updates on sports games. I find that I get more information from the TV programs because there is an entertainment factor that the online articles do not have. 

Of all the different major news networks that are available to everyone, 9 News is the one that my parents usually watch. Because they are based in Denver, they cover the major news around the state of Colorado (of which I am from) and highlight important news happening. This network gives me updates about my home state that I like to keep tabs on and keeps my parents informed that they will relay anything important to me as well. 

The New York Times is one of the more popular forms of news around the country. Since they have a huge platform, they are one of the main sources that I can see on the News app on my iphone. The New York Times covers just about everything happening in the country and the world so I find it convenient to read at least the article titles to keep somewhat informed about the happenings across the globe.

For my local, hometown news, I rely on the newspaper, the Steamboat Pilot. This is the hardest source to access of the five on this list. Still, this allows me to stay updated with the happenings going on in my hometown. This source is accessible online and by the hard copy printouts of the newspaper.

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